Art San Diego 2017 Recap and Highlights

Artist Manss Aval was at the recent  Art San Diego—a contemporary art show in the heart of southern California featuring an international slate of artists and galleries.

The show features over 500 leading contemporary artists, museum exhibitions, Art Labs, events, and Art Talks focused on collecting. Now in its ninth year, the four-day event attracts over 15,000 high-net-worth collectors. Join us for an unforgettable four days of cutting-edge art, entertainment, and special events.

Art San Diego, held Oct 1– Oct. 31, 2017,  is the city’s only contemporary fine art show, ASD provides a compelling four days of cutting-edge art and media, specially curated programming, lively evening events, and more.


Source: Art San Diego 

Video: Redwood Media Group Events & Publications