Manss Aval’s photograph titled ‘Devil No Prada’ will be on display at the Blank Wall Gallery in the upcoming Fine Art Exhibition beginning August 30th, 2015 through September 17th 2015.
Those who visit exhibitions featuring Aval’s artwork or for those who drop by the Fine Art Maya Gallery, they do not even need this explained as one can easily see it illuminated through his work. Manss Aval’s artistic ability takes the creation of art to a whole new level with the broad spectrum of talents he possesses. This talent comes to life in so many different expressions of artistic creativity that it is truly a treat just anticipating what his next piece might be.
Many remarkable submissions were sent in from all over the world for consideration in the Blank Wall Gallery’s Fine Art exhibition. Be sure and stop by if you are in Athens and see the Artists work in person.
Visit the Gallery: Blank Wall Gallery 12 Yakinthou Street, 11364 – Athens – Greece
This is not the first time Manss Aval has been selected to participate in the Blank Wall Gallery Exhibits. Most recently, Manss Aval was featured in the Monochrome exhibition earlier this year. See Manss Aval’s featured monochrome photograph here.
“Fine Art photography gives us a different picture of reality. It is the expression of the emotions the artist experiences in a given situation. Looking at these photographs we have the chance to see the world through the artist’s eyes and experience some feelings close to the ones they may have experienced.” – Blank Wall Gallery on Fine Art Exhibition