Artist Manss Aval named Finalist in four art categories at the 4th Zebra Awards, 2016. The categories were Fine Art and Open, Landscape and Nature, and Abstract and Contemporary.
Manss Aval submitted: ‘When Trees Dream‘, ‘Five Elements‘ (left), ‘Salk Institute’ and ‘Zero Face‘ – receiving “Finalist” designation for all four pieces of his artwork.
About the TZIPAC Zebra Awards
TZ International Photography and Art Community (TZIPAC) is an organization that is dedicated to the celebration of beautiful photography from around the world – recognizing and introducing amazing artists from all walks of life.
TZIPAC runs a series of juried competitions, both annuals and one-offs, that target various themes and skills. TZIPAC will only accept high-quality artworks that demonstrates a creative flare and passion for all things photography. Their goal is to encourage a wide range of emerging artists to participate and showcase their capabilities to the world. Our search is for talented artists in their chosen area of expertise as well as the TZ International Photographer of the Year.
In the long term, the TZIPAC goal is to evolve into a full internet-based community in the near future, utilizing multi-media platform to help promote artists and their works, as well as to encourage the interaction and sharing of ideas to further help the development and expansion of photography as an art form.