Artist Spotlight on ‘NONOS’ by Welte Sisters

Nonos Gallery_

Fine Art Maya’s artist spotlight falls on the beautifully crafted and richly talented sculpture artwork, NONOS, by the Welte sisters, Franziska and Mercedes.


NONOS are unique sculptures that playfully join motion and color to a fluent form of sensuality, eroticism and femininity. The sisters Franziska and Mercedes Welte have been artistically active under their pseudonym NONOS for years. Nonos

They create their sculptures from combinations of various metals, polymers, fiber glass, epoxy resin and non-fading pigments. Filigree and at the same time extremely dynamic, the artists arrange their sculptures for dance and involve the spectator in a thrilling ensemble of color, form and movement.

NONOS personify cheeky elegance and symbolize sensuality, power and spontaneity.

Besides their work in the sculptural area the sisters are also active in the fields of painting and photography.

The list of their international exhibitions ranges from Berlin, New York, Shanghai, Malta, Vienna, Amsterdam and Florida to Taipei. The sisters also work as designers, such as in exclusive designs for porcelain, Danish chairs and fashion with the couturier Nhut La Hong.

To see more of the talented Artists work, visit the Fine Art Maya Gallery.
