Since the dawn of time long before books were even thought of and the capability to print them was even further out of reach, the study of art has been a fundamental part of our life. In the early evolution of our civilization when the alphabet didn’t even exist yet, art was used to communicate and to share experiences and one’s history with future generations by drawings in caves, on rock walls, and later on murals in royal cathedrals. In fact Art was the only way people knew how to transfer a message any length of distance either time or space.
Art is a communicator of many things; history, experience, teachings, emotions, and inner perceptions that are not easily expressed with words. Art has been in existence longer than any other tool used in history for communication, but this is not the only use of art.
In the early medieval century, the study of Art was included as one of the seven core subjects deemed a necessity for achieving scholarly education. Scholars, theologians, and even the church powers that ruled our early world, all agreed on the powerful skills that studying art develops in humans.
This still hold very true today and recently the value of the arts and arts education program’s importance were addressed . Backed by years of research and developmental studies, the findings shows that “participation in the arts – music, visual arts, dance or drama/theatre, design, lead to higher levels of self-confidence, persistence, civic engagement, creativity, problem-solving ability and critical thinking skills in students.”(Art Smart, NCLS)
The need for further funding and programs designed to bolster these strengths in students is a real issue. When budget cuts are made, often they try to cut funding form the arts programs first. Recent education meetings to address this lack of funding and generate more high-quality art programs to enhance our children’s abilities have been underway.
Many respected foundations in support of the arts have pledged support by offering funding and additional art education programs. The Americans for the Art Foundation will be donating $10,000 to 10 schools in the selected states for the duration of 3 years; California, Arizona, Arkansas, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, North Carolina, Oklahoma and Wyoming. This is only one of the many supporters who will be contributing.
To learn more about the different foundations that will be joining the efforts to further art education for our future generations, check out the latest news on the issue here.